Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Vagina Bible

What is The Vagina Bible?

The Vagina Bible is an e-book that primarily teaches women how to make their vagina both tighter and stronger with Kegel exercises. This book lends itself to women who are looking to spice up their sex life. It is also appeals to women who suffer from urinary incontinence and other related pelvic floor disorders.

It is really easy for women to tighten their vagina. All that's required is a bit of information about the vaginal anatomy and some time for doing the exercise. Kegel exercise are really easy to perform and can be performed at distinct places and whenever you find time. The only thing that is required with them is a dedication and nothing else. Once you start practicing them daily I am sure the results are guaranteed and your vagina will surely become tight. It must be brought to the notice of women that your vagina not only becomes tighter but also becomes stronger with the help of these exercises.

What the Kegel exercises actually do is target the PC muscles which form the floor of vagina. Keeping the Kegels in control are really essential and only if the Kegels are in control they can be said to be strong. Having strong Kegel muscles can make your sex life really awesome. If you have control over the Kegels than you can provide a lot of pleasure to your partner and make him squirm. Also it will give you multiple orgasms by which all your desires will be fulfilled.

It is always necessary to start with the Kegel exercises at an earlier stage of life because the muscles are fresh then. Once menopause is achieved the muscles become really weak and then it becomes difficult to gain control over them, if you gain control over them at an earlier stage of life that would be better. People care a lot about their external looks but nowadays they also focus on their internal looks and Kegel exercises provides one such mean which develops and improves our body internally. The effect of these exercises will not be seen in an overnight but it takes normally 2 months to see some effect.

Some benefits of Kegel exercises are -

• Help achieve multiple orgasm

• Helps in strengthening of your muscles

• Gaining control over them

• Helps to avoid continence

• An enjoyable sex life

• Enhances your inner beauty and makes you confident

• Makes you feel young

• Helps in child birth and regain strength of your muscles after the birth of your child.

There are various gadgets available in the market which can help you perform the Kegel exercises in a much better way. Also make sure you breathe properly while practicing Kegel exercises. If your stomach, leg or buttock moves along with the exercise then you should recognize that you are proceeding in the wrong direction and performing the exercise in a wrong way.


Is your sex life lacking passion, pleasure or both? There is a way to bring both passion and pleasure back into your life, and it doesn't take a lot of effort. The vast majority of women are not truly in touch with their sexuality, and I want to tell you how it's possible to make your love life absolutely heavenly each and every night. Multiple orgasms are possible, and many women have them, but they all have one thing in common. Let me tell you what it is.

They all work out their vaginal muscles. Many women have heard of this, but few know the true potential associated with conditioning the vagina. So what are they, and how does it work?

1) Working out your vaginal muscles means that you make them stronger.
2) When your muscles are stronger, they contract more powerfully.
3) When your vaginal muscles are stronger, they also contract more often.
4) When your muscles are stronger, you also have more control over when you have orgasms.

So, what's the point? This is the point! When you make your muscles stronger, they will make your sex life incredible! Why? Because of the reasons stated above! You will have more orgasms more often, and because your vaginal muscles are more powerful, you have better orgasms. How much better? It depends on how strong your vaginal muscles are. Like any muscle in the body, the stronger it is, the more power it produces. When you work out your muscles, they will become much stronger, resulting in all of the things mentioned above. Your orgasms are up to YOU!

Few women realize that their body is a sexual bomb waiting to go off. Even fewer know how to light the fuse. Discovering these secrets will leave you paralyzed with pleasure every day of your life.


Yes, tightening your vaginal muscles does does prevent incontinence, and you'll never leak urine when you laugh or cough. But few women know about the incredible sexual advantages of strengthening the vaginal muscles. When done, sex becomes EXPONENTIALLY better. Your entire body will be shaking with erotic delight. Let me tell you how you can do it.

Tighten and Strengthen Your Vagina

Like any muscle in the body, when you strengthen your vaginal muscles they will contract more powerfully. And what does this mean? It means that when you have an orgasm, they will be twice as powerful as before. Not only will they be more powerful, but you will have MORE ORGASMS more often, and you will have more control over when you have them. You see, when you tighten and strengthen your vagina you will develop very high levels of control over your vaginal muscles. You will be able to have more control over when you have an orgasm by clenching your muscles at specific times in the sexual cycle. If you want more orgasms more often, then getting stronger vaginal muscles is a sure-fire way to do it.

Drive Your Guy NUTS

But wait, when you strengthen your muscles, you not only experience incredible orgasms, but with these muscles you can tease and torture your man night after night. You can literally "milk" him with your lady muscles. Not just that, but there are dozens and dozens of ways that you can use these muscles to manipulate your man's member. There's not better way to make your sex mind-blowing night after night.


At some point in their life, most women think that their vagina is loose. They could have just had a child, or they believe that because they've had lot of sex with a man who is well endowed that their vagina becomes loose as a result. The good news is that you can tighten your vagina. The better news is that you can strengthen it. So if you've just had a child or if you're simply looking to take your sex life to the next level, read on.

Tighten Your Vagina

Tightening and strengthening the vagina is very simple but the results are incredible. When you strengthen your vagina, your sex life becomes, for the lack of a better word, INCREDIBLE. Why? Because when you condition your vaginal muscles, they contract more powerfully during an orgasm, and more powerful contractions mean a more powerful orgasm. How much better are we talking here? Three, four times more powerful at least!

Another group of women who benefit from these exercises are those who have a very difficult time even having an orgasm. Many women report having their FIRST orgasm as a result of conditioning their vaginal muscles. It's a sure-fire way to not only get there, but to get there fast.

Why Your Man Will Love it!

Not only will YOU greatly benefit from a conditioned vagina, but your man will as well! These exercises will teach you how to control your muscles with amazing precision. Imagine teasing your man as he attempts to enter you. With strong vaginal muscles, you can simply clench your muscles and there is no way he can! But most these muscles are used to produce awesome pleasure when your man is inside of you. Many women "milk" their man with their vagina, meaning that they clench their muscles around his member, making him go absolutely mad! Men LOVE THIS!

Many women live with the fear that their vagina is loose, or that it needs to be tighter. Tightening the vagina results in incredible orgasm day after day, night after night. mastering the vagina muscles is the best way to take your sex life to the next level.

Tighten My Vagina

Tightening the vaginal muscles makes sex exponentially better. When you master the control over the most important muscles, you can make your man lose his mind. Why? You can manipulate his member when he's inside of you, making his eyes roll into the back of his head. You can control when and how he enters you. This is very empowering, and it makes sex very, very exciting.

Tightening your vagina also causes you to have more frequent and more powerful orgasms. In fact, some women report having orgasms for the very first time as a result of mastering their vaginal muscles.

If your relationship is suffering as a result of bad sex, or if you're looking to add some serious excitement to your normal routine, then tightening your vagina and mastering your vaginal muscles is the only way to go. This control allows you greatly vary the stimulation your man receives, and it allows you to find what you most enjoy. Clenching your muscles in certain ways is what most women need to get them to climax. Not just that, but many women report having multiple orgasm as a result.

Women all around the world are working every day to master their vaginal muscles, and not a single one has regretted it. In fact, all of them will report that their sex life has never been better.

Women all around the world worry that their vagina is loose. They fear that too much sex will cause it to expand, never to return to its original size. The truth is that you can make your vagina both tighter and stronger with specific exercises. You will find that once you do, your sex life will absolutely take off to places it has never been before. Let me tell you how and why in this article.

Tightening & Strengthening your Vagina

Conditioning your vaginal muscles is the number one way to take your sex life to the next level. When you strengthen and tighten your vagina, you will be able to control your muscles with awesome precision, clenching them around your man's penis whenever you want. And let me tell you, men just love it! Many women can make their man come instantaneously. This is how incredible the pleasure can actually be when you work your man's penis with your vaginal muscles. Not just that, but you will greatly benefit from such conditioning, as when you strengthen these muscles you will not only have more orgasms, but you will have more powerful orgasms. Not just that, but you will have more control over when you have orgasms. This is achieved by clenching your muscles at key times during intercourse.

If your relationship or marriage is suffering because of a poor sex life, or if you just want to take your sex to the next level, then I highly recommended adopting the techniques in this program. You thank me that you did, because you will have body-jolting orgasms night after night!

Other Benefits Include:

Prevent Stress Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence occurs when your pelvic floor muscles are extremely weak. More specifically, the muscles that support your urethra become so weak that when you cough, laugh, sneeze or do anything that puts pressure on your bladder and pelvic cavity, you will leak urine. The exercises laid out in The Vagina Bible will have you strengthening your pelvic floor in just minutes. You will be able to prevent & eliminate Stress Urinary Incontinence forever!
If your pelvic floor is strong, you'll never develop this problem- EVER!
Recently Have a Child?

Many women report that after having a child their vagina feels weak and loose, and they no longer have the sensitivity to have great sex. And worst of all, they no longer feel sexy. Sensation in the vaginal canal is directly related to the amount of friction created by your lover. Doing the exercises in The Vagina Bible will tighten your vagina back to its original state. There will be awesome amounts of friction when you make love, thus bringing back the spine-arching orgasms that you remember.

But wait, having a child can also help improve your sex life drastically! Learn why in The Vagina Bible.

Uterine Prolapse

Childbirth weakens the muscles in the vagina by up to 50%! As a result, it is not uncommon for women to develop a uterine prolapse. However, it is not only mothers who suffer from from this condition. A weak pelvic floor can become so fragile that it can no longer support the weight of the uterus.

The uterus falls into the vaginal canal!

Worst of all, most women don't know that they have the condition until it's too late! The uterus can fall so far down the vaginal canal that it can be seen from outside of the vaginal opening!

The Exercises In The Vagina Bible Will Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor So That You Will NEVER Have To Deal With Such A Condition!

Stronger Vaginal Muscles Means Better Sex For You!

Your orgasms will rock your entire body!
The Vagina Bible will have you tightening your vagina within minutes !

Countless women have already taken advantage of the information available in The Vagina Bible and have seen incredible improvement to their sex lives.

If you want to have phenomenal sex every night that leaves you exhausted, sprawled out on your bed and 100% satisfied, then this is without a doubt the best investment you can make!

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